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Finger Corrector Brace Stabilizer

Finger Corrector Brace Stabilizer

Regular price $21.99 USD
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Adjustable Finger Corrector Brace Stabilizer Guard Support Splint Arthritis Tendonitis Sprained Pain Relief Rehabilitation Belt


1. FIX: The first aid finger splint support protector can fix injuries & fractures such as trigger fingers, muscle sprains, strains, a broken bone, and mallets, and stabilize joins effectively.
2. HELP: Immobilizer Finger splint helps bring back to normal functionality on the Pinkie, Ring, Middle, Index, & Thump fingers.
3. ADJUSTABLE: The straps and padding have some dynamic stretch. Comfortable Bracelets you move freely when wearing, allowing for limited finger flexion and increased hand use. 
Caregivers can easily adjust a universal splint if they have swelling or pain after an injury. A splint is sometimes called a half-cast because it does not wrap around an entire body area as a cast does. Easy removable and reusable.
4. PREVENT: A finger splint is an excellent product to use for prevention and recovery from finger sprains, strains, broken bones, and muscle sprains. Maximizes flexibility while preventing knuckle bend, joint locking, triggering, or any further complications or more serious condition. 
You may be worn after surgery.
5. RECOVERY: A splint can be used during recovery from phalangeal fractures and proximal joint injuries, including boutonniere injuries, dislocations, mallet finger (baseball finger), and fracture-dislocations.
Package Included:
1* Adjustable First Aid Finger Splint
2 (2)27


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